Monday, July 14, 2008

Halloween Special Effects: The Importance of Lighting

The proper lighting of your haunt is a very important aspect of a successful haunted house. Lighting creates atmosphere, and helps to hide imperfections. Special effects, such as lighting and fog, can turn an average haunt scene into something truly creepy.
Imagine setting up your cemetery in the front yard, and then using a floodlight to illuminate it. The harsh light totally takes away from atmosphere. It may appear interesting, but will not be likely to cause anyone to look over their shoulder as they walk away.
By using a few simple lighting techniques you can transform your Halloween Haunted House into something extraordinary.
Black lights, flicker bulbs, and glow sticks are commonly used in lighting techniques, but there are also other types of lighting that work great for setting off your haunt scenes. You may discover that a certain scene works better with red lighting, and of course the ever-useful strobe light.
Try it for yourself; set up your scariest scene, and walk through it. Then do it again with different types of lighting to see which lighting effect best sets off the scene. Not all the time is the best lighting technique the most obvious. By trying out a variety of lighting options, you will better see what type of lighting fits that particular scene best.
In later posts I will tell you how you can use different lighting techniques to help put character into your terrifying scenes. Lighting can turn your Halloween haunted house into something the neighborhood will be talking about for months to come.