Friday, August 22, 2008

Halloween Adult Fun

What is so great about the adult Halloween party is that you can really let your imagination go wild. Add lots of scary and gory Halloween props, and some scary music and games, and you have some good Halloween adult fun.
Some adult party games include the serial killer hide and seek game, where everyone hides in the dark, and the person who is it seeks out and pretends to get the people that are hiding, but if you really want to make it a spooky event, there’s always the talking board.
Though you should be warned that there is some controversy about how safe this is, and that it may actually cause some problems with the paranormal during its use, or after. People use the talking board or Quja Board to communicate with the dead and other disembodied spirits; it is suppose to work well on Halloween night when the veil between this world and the next, is thinnest.
Creating your own neighborhood home haunt can also be a party in itself. Get lots of friends together and put on your own haunted attraction for the neighborhood. This is a lot of fun if you really get into decorating for Halloween.