Friday, September 26, 2008

Scary Halloween Music, Sound Effects

The sound effects you use for your Halloween home haunt will be just as important as the lighting effects. Sound sets atmosphere and you will want to have your sound effects and scary Halloween music to match your home haunt.
Unless you have a sophisticated computer sound setup, you will probably want to use little battery operated stereos in the different locations that you need sound. Hide the stereo in a strategic location, such as beneath a table that is covered with a cloth, behind a large prop, etc.
You can either buy the sound effects that you need or make your own. Each area will have different types of sound that will be needed. For example, in the cemetery you will want tolling funeral bells, moaning ghosts, etc. In your alien room you’ll want blips, beeps and high technology type sounds.
I usually have a parlor where the guests enter; here I have some scary organ music playing, and one year we made a cave with bats, here we had footsteps, the sound of dripping water, bats, and screams.